Who we are

Our purpose, behaviours, and people

Our core purpose is to empower the energy future for New Zealand – a future that delivers a net-zero carbon economy and a reliable and secure electricity system. Our people, relationships, and behaviour are fundamental in achieving this.


A collaborative effort

Keeping the power flowing across New Zealand is a collaborative process that involves thousands of people across different organisations. Our success in managing and operating New Zealand’s grid and power system lies in our people and relationships forged with power generators and distributors, industry organisations, landowners, iwi, hapu and the communities that host our assets such as towers and lines.

Corporate governance

We are governed by our Board and are accountable to our shareholder, the New Zealand Government, and in turn all New Zealanders. Led by our General Management team, our 800-strong team works with contractors and service providers to ‘keep the lights on’ across New Zealand. 

Our Board of Directors and General Management Team understand the electricity sector implicitly and guide our business functions with robust corporate governance policies and practices. They are committed to creating and maintaining a high standard of corporate governance.

As a limited liability company, State-Owned Enterprise, and NZ Stock Exchange listed company, Transpower is required to comply with company reporting, state-owned enterprise, and debt listing obligations.

Read our Corporate Governance Statement

Read our latest Integrated Annual Report

Read our most recent Corporate Governance documents below.


Corporate Governance Documents

Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy

Insider Trading Policy and Guidelines

Discretionary expenditure, gifts and Travel Policy

Compliance Policy

Board Charter

Delegated Authority Policy

Directors’ Interests Policy

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Audit and Risk Committee (Terms of Reference)

People and Performance Committee (Terms of Reference)

System Operator Committee (Terms of Reference)

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee (Terms of Reference)

Directors’ fees and Expenses Policy

Information Security Classification and Handling Policy