Notices and reporting

Customer Advice Notices (CAN)

Customer Advice Notices include important information for participants about the power system.

Excursion Notices

Excursion Notices are issued when a voltage or frequency disturbance occurs on the power system.

Formal Notices

Formal Notices are one way we alert market participants to events on the power system that may require them to take some action.

Information on Under Frequency Reserves and Secondary Risk

Information on under frequency reserve calculations and classification of energy supplies that may trip during an under frequency event

Market Operations Weekly Report

Weekly report on the electricity market, including security of supply, wholesale price trends and system capacity.

Notices for insufficient generation

When we have low supply margins for forecast demand, we endeavour to notify the market via CAN. This notice is triggered when there is 200MW or less residual energy left to meet demand and reserves.

Quarterly system performance report

This report contains information on system performance related to ancillary services costs, constrained on/off costs, momentary frequency fluctuations and an overview of notices sent out.

Renewable generation mix

Information on the contribution of renewable electricity to the generation mix.

System and market insights

Topical information published for market participants and other stakeholders.

Weekly Energy Report

A summary of energy for the previous week, ending Sunday at midnight. It is updated Monday at 9.15am.