If you are looking to connect a generator to a distribution network, and your generator is less than 1 MW, then you only need to consult with your local network and there is no requirement to approach Transpower as Grid Owner or System Operator.
If your generator is 1 MW or above, please follow these steps:
- Obtain approval from the network you intend to connect to
- Verify whether the Grid Owner needs to be consulted. Pay particular attention to the distribution network details in the 'Different Connection' section. Distributors have specific contractual obligations with Transpower that you should be conscious of as they might have knock-on impacts for your generator. Read Transpower Grid Exit Point (GXP) impact studies for Distributed Energy Resource (DER) development to learn more about the potential implications for your asset.
- After checking any requirements with the Grid Owner, visit the System Operator’s commissioning process to understand how that process works.
Understanding your obligations
For any generation capability greater than 1 MW, there is information you will need to provide Transpower, and obligations you need to meet under the Electricity Authority's Code of Compliance.
We recommend familiarising yourself particularly with Parts 3 through to Parts 15 of the Electricity Industry Code of Participation. Other general guidance on your obligations can also be found in the System Operator’s connection page.
Any significant new generation connecting at the distribution level but requiring new Transpower assets or changes to existing Transpower assets will also require engagement from the distribution company to plan and develop the potential work.