About the TPM

The Electricity Authority's transmission pricing methodology (TPM) determines how Transpower recovers the annual cost of running the national transmission grid from transmission customers. The TPM is available on the Authority's website

Old v New TPM

Useful information & Information Sheets

Document Download
Guide to the TPM v2 View
Overview of the TPM v2 View
Transitioning to a new TPM View
Information sheet on treatment of new customers View
Information sheet on prudent discounts View
Information sheet on connection charges under the new TPM v2 View
Information sheet on connection charges: FAC mechanism to address Type 1 FMD v2 View
Information sheet on connection charges: Anticipatory investment and Type 2 FMD v2 View
Information sheet on residual charges v3 View
Information sheet on benefit-based charges: Simple method v2 View
Information sheet on benefit-based charges: Standard method View
Information sheet on benefit-based charges: Appendix A BBI View
Information sheet on benefit-based charges: Adjustments v3 View
Information sheet on benefit-based charges: Covered cost View
Information sheet on transitional price cap View


To help people understand the TPM we have prepared the above resources. Over time we will develop and share more information about how the TPM works in practice.

All decision documents, consultation documents, submissions and cross-submissions for past consultation are on our TPM decisions page. 

View our Grid Prices page for 2024/25 customer pricing (total charges per customer) and historical grid pricing information.



Please email [email protected] if you have any questions about the implementation of the TPM. 


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