Invitation to Comment: Draft Policy Statement

Closing date for comments 5pm Friday 23rd October 2024

We have completed our regular review of the Policy Statement and invite comments from the electricity industry on our proposed changes. The Policy Statement describes the policies and processes we use as the system operator to meet the principal performance obligations (PPOs), and manage technical compliance and conflicts of interest.  

We propose to update the security policy (Chapter 1 of the Policy Statement) to more transparently reflect existing operational processes, particularly around management of credible events that threaten system stability, and practices for demand management. 

In the course of the review we identified further areas of the security policy that could be improved by addition of detail about the process we follow to identify and mitigate low residual capacity situations near real time. We have not proposed any specific changes at this time. However, we are interested to hear participant’s perspectives on how the security policy as a whole can be amended to improve understanding of and confidence in these processes. This information would usefully inform a review and consultation on our processes, parameters and communications for mitigating potential capacity shortfalls, that is planned for completion before winter 2025.

The changes to the Policy Statement are marked up for easy identification and there is also a summary document explaining the reasons for the proposed changes.

The following documents are available for your information/comment:

Submit your Feedback

Interested parties may submit their responses to this consultation to the System Operator email with the subject line “Policy Statement 2024”. Submissions will be accepted until 5:00pm 23 October 2024. Submissions will be published to our website.