17 Aug 2021

UPDATE 7:30pm - Grid Emergency 17 August
What is the latest?
More generation was offered, demand has dropped and we have passed the evening peak.
The risk of a power outage this evening has passed, barring a major plant failure.
We are not aware of any ‘lights out’ except for those around the area where the conductor fell. This information is on the Mainpower website.
Following our Grid Emergency notice, we approached generators requesting more generation and they responded.
We asked electricity distribution businesses (lines companies) in the North Island to reduce all controllable demand (such as hot water) and they responded.
Provided circumstances do not change, we do not expect an issue for the morning peak tomorrow.
We will continue to monitor the situation throughout the day.
What do the COVID Alert Level changes mean?
Our work is deemed ‘essential’ and we will be able to continue with the repair work under the change in Alert Levels.
Is there any further risk?
The market is currently stable however, if there is a major plant failure, there is a risk of not being able to meet demand through the evening.
Statement from 5:41pm
What do we know:
A conductor (wire) has fallen from a tower around State Highway 7 in the Weka Pass area, Waikari in North Canterbury. There is no indication anyone has been harmed.
What does this mean for consumers this evening?
The market is currently stable however, if there is a major plant failure, there is a risk of not being able to meet demand through the evening.
What is Transpower doing?
We are approaching generators requesting more generation now.
We have asked electricity distribution businesses (lines companies) in the North Island to reduce all controllable demand (such as hot water).
If this does not achieve the reduction we require, we will issue a further notice setting a further target for demand reduction.
Repair of the conductor:
We have crews on site now and are planning repairs.
The safety of our people is of the upmost priority. We will be planning repairs overnight but we are unlikely to complete repairs before tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.