Grid reconfiguration documentation

31 Oct 2023

Grid recon

Under the Electricity Industry Participation Code, Transpower is required to demonstrate a net benefit for any temporary or permanent reconfiguration of the grid.

ProjectGrid reconfiguration detailsDocumentationAssessment
Eastern Bay of Plenty reconfiguration noticeWe plan to reconfigure the grid in the Eastern Bay of Plenty region by permanently opening the 110 kV Edgecumbe-Kawerau 1 & 2 circuits and closing the 200/110 kV Edgecumbe T5 interconnecting transformer. The proposed reconfiguration will shift power flow from our 110 kV circuits to 220 kV circuits.Supporting informationFebruary 2025
Bombay-Hamilton 110 kV transmission linesThe purpose of this document is to inform stakeholders of our intention to permanently disconnect the Bombay-Hamilton line from the grid and not invest in maintenance remediations to keep the line in service. The ability to disconnect these lines and reconfigure the grid has been enabled by our investment in new interconnecting transformers at Bombay.Supporting InformationNovember 2023
Studholme 110 kV splitThe purpose of this document is to inform stakeholders of our intention to reconfigure the 110 kV network, by introducing a permanent summer split 1 at Studholme to manage loadingSupporting information[ pdf 367.96 KB ]October 2022
North Taranaki Reconfiguration NoticeThis document outlines the net benefit assessment for the reconfiguration of our network into New Plymouth and Carrington St substations.Supporting information[ pdf 52.54 KB ]November 2020
Studholme 110 kV splitThis document informs stakeholders of our intention to reconfigure the 110 kV network by introducing a conditional summer split at Studholme to manage loading on related circuits.Supporting information[ pdf 418.81 KB ]November 2020
Otahuhu 110 kV busWith the retirement of generation and the installation of new equipment, the impact of faults on the network has reduced, meaning that the bus split previously in place between the two 110 kV electrical buses at Otahuhu substation is no longer required.Supporting information [ pdf 169.82 KB ]May 2020
Bells Pond transmission constraint - contingency plan

This document informs stakeholders of our intention to reconfigure the Lower Waitaki Valley 110 kV network, by introducing a system split  at Studholme, in the event that:

  • there is higher than anticipated peak load in the Lower Waitaki region, and/or
  • demand response is insufficient to keep line loadings within the circuit rating
Supporting information [ pdf 643.75 KB ]October 2016
Arapuni Bus Split Retention

This document presents analysis supporting our intention to:

  • Retain the Arapuni 110 kV bus-split
  • Install a Special Protection Scheme (Arapuni–Kinleith Runback Scheme) and
  • Implement variable Line Ratings on the Kinleith–Tarukenga circuits
Supporting information [ pdf 448.75 KB ]June 2016
Arapuni Bus Split ClosureUpdate to proposal to close the bus split at Arapuni - deferral of permanent closure until 2017.Supporting information [ pdf 122.02 KB ]March 2015
Arapuni Bus Split ClosureWe are proposing to close the bus split at Arapuni as there is a net benefit in doing so. A teleconference will be held to go over the proposal.
Confirm your interest by email
Supporting information [ pdf 123.68 KB ]November 2014
Paraparaumu 220 kV ProjectWe have undertaken a net benefit test for reconfiguring the grid at Paraparaumu such that this facility becomes connected to Transpower's 220 kV lines allowing for the removal of the 23 km of 110 kv transmission line between Paraparaumu and Pauatahanui substationsSupporting information [ pdf 215.87 KB ]September 2013
Arapuni Bus Split OpeningWe have reviewed the Net Benefit Test for continuing the Arapuni grid reconfiguration following a spare transformer for T1 at Arapuni being brought into service.  There is a net benefit in splitting the Arapuni bus.  We will open the Arapuni bus split from 25 June 2013 13:00 until further noticeSupporting information [ pdf 17.39 KB ]June 2013
Arapuni Bus Split ClosureWe have reviewed the Net Benefit Test for continuing the Arapuni grid reconfiguration following the outage of transformer T1 at Arapunui.  There is no net benefit in splitting the Arapuni bus while T1 is out of service.  We will close the Arapuni bus from 28 May 2013 16:30 until further noticeSupporting information [ pdf 179.66 KB ]May 2013
Arapuni Bus Split ContinuationTranspower has undertaken a net benefit test to assess the continuation of the Arapuni Bus Split until commissioning of the Wairakei–Whakamaru C line and replacement Tarukenga interconnecting transformers. October 2012
Mangamaire Bus Split OpeningTranspower proposes to open the bus split at Mangamaire for 6 weeks from 30 June 2012.Supporting information [ pdf 772.08 KB ]June 2012
Mangamaire Bus Split OpeningTranspower proposes to open the bus split at Mangamaire between the dates of 11 May and 30 June 2012.Supporting information [ pdf 356.08 KB ]May 2012
Arapuni Grid ReconfigurationTranspower has implemented a system split at Arapuni between 6:00 and 21:00 on weekdays.  The system split is a permanent change in the way the grid is configured and is effective from 29 September 2011.Supporting information [ pdf 240.56 KB ]September 2011
Studholme-Timaru Split ClosureTranspower is closing the operational split between Studholme and Timaru annually between October and April effective from 28 January 2010. This is to reduce loss of supply to NZ Dairies Limited plant at Studholme during an outage of the main circuit supplying from the south.Supporting information [ pdf 94.77 KB ]January 2010



Approach and assumptions for undertaking cost/benefit analysis