02 Feb 2018

This update follows our earlier release regarding a power outage affecting Hokitika and the surrounding area.
Yesterday evening, power was restored to most of the affected region as Westpower began using the Amethyst Power station at Hari Hari to feed parts of Hokitika and South Westland.
There are still around 900 consumers without power, mostly in South Westland, Hokitika, and areas in the north towards Inangahua. We are working on restoring power in those areas but it will take some time.
This morning, specialist crews are travelling via helicopter to conduct an assessment and begin making repairs to the transmission assets affected by yesterday’s extreme weather conditions.
We expect the crews to reach site around 10am. They will then confirm the scope of repairs, and likely timeframe for these repairs to be completed. We expect to have this information available around lunchtime today.
We are still advising residents and businesses to be prepared to be without power until tomorrow, until we have a clearer timeframe for restoration.
There is never a good time for communities to be without power, and we apologise for the inconvenience. Our priority is restoring power to the area as soon, and as safely, as possible.
The next official update will be at 1pm today. We will continue to provide further updates on our Facebook page.
For further information, please contact:
Clea Marshall, Acting Corporate Communications Manager, 04 590 6633 or 027 807 9904
Email: [email protected]