19 Nov 2018

At 08:41 this morning a fault occurred in the switch room of our Wairakei substation. The switch room was locked and sealed. There was no damage to people or property.
We know that this fault has affected 16,500 people in the wider Taupō region. We apologise for this inconvenience, as we understand how disruptive this can be to all people affected.
We have our people on site, and are working hard to restore power as fast as possible, while working safely. At this stage we hope to restore power to Unison Networks (the local lines company) at mid-afternoon today. It is likely it will take Unison further time to restore power to individuals and businesses in affected areas.
We expect power to restored in the early evening, however we will provide confirmation of this time once we have further information later today.
We will continue to provide further updates on our Facebook page. Once again, thank you for your patience as we work to restore power as quickly and safely as possible.
For further information, please contact:
Kerri Osborne, Corporate Communications Manager, 021 195 8613 or 04 590 7479
Media Release — Power outage Wider Taupō region update