10 Nov 2020

Transpower has opened nominations for the STAR Awards 2021 (Safety Thanks and Recognition) inviting entries for teams, apprentices, individuals and innovations related to work on the National Grid.
Nominations are open until 5pm on Friday 4 December 2020.
Transpower’s Head of Health and Safety Craig Baxter says, “The STAR Awards are Transpower’s way of saying thanks and giving recognition to people who champion best practice in health, safety and wellbeing in the electricity transmission sector.”
Mr Baxter says this National Grid workforce is crucial to the nation.
“The STAR Awards are for the frontline workers helping Aotearoa New Zealand reach its carbon reduction goals through greater electrification.
“These people showed tremendous commitment by continuing as essential workers on critical infrastructure projects during the Covid-19 crisis, so the leadership team at Transpower is really looking forward to celebrating and honouring the work they do for the benefit of all New Zealanders.”
There are six categories in the awards programme, including the refreshed Hauora Wellbeing Initiative Award for an initiative or strategy that is leading to greater physical, mental, social and/or spiritual hauora or wellbeing for people. Thought leadership in health and safety is a new category addition.
The STAR Awards ceremony on 15 April next year will be delivered virtually for the first time, giving certainty it will go ahead in any pandemic response alert level. This will also enable more people to be included in the prestigious event than can usually attend in person.
The independent panel of judges for the STAR Awards 2021 comprises three safety and business experts: Francois Barton, Sheridan Broadbent and Andrew Priest.
Learn more and make a nomination on our STAR Awards page.
For further information, please contact:
Charlotte Haddon, Senior Corporate Communications Advisor, 021 448 753