12 Nov 2018

Transpower’s Consumer Advisory Panel has met for its first meeting, outlining what issues households, businesses, communities and iwi are most interested in as New Zealand considers the implications of transistioning to a low carbon economy.
The independent advisory body members represent Community Networks Aotearoa, Rural Women NZ, Consumer NZ, Greypower, Generation Zero, iwi, Business NZ and Economic Development NZ and aim to bring the long-term interests and expectations of energy users and consumers to the industry table allowing Transpower to integrate these views into planning for the future.
The initial meeting also marks the first step of Transpower engaging more closely with consumers on the price/risk trade-offs made in its next round of regulatory funding.
Transpower Consumer Engagement Manager Nicki Sutherland said the panel was engaged, and is already giving Transpower valuable and diverse insights to consumers and their main areas of interest.
“Our panel is looking forward to discussing issues such as renewable energy, innovation and technology and New Zealand’s just transition to a low carbon energy future, as well as learning more about the inner workings of the electricity sector as a whole, and sharing each other’s perspectives,” Nicki said.
“We’re now in the process of formally agreeing our joint commitments around feedback loops and reporting and will publish these on the Consumer Advisory Panel page of our website early next year.”
The panel will meet three times a year on an ongoing basis, and more information will be made available on the Consumer Advisory Panel page of Transpower’s website.

For further information, panel biographies or photographs please contact:
Kerri Osborne, Corporate Communications Manager, 04 590 7479 or 021 195 8613.
Media Release —Transpower connects with its communities through Consumer Advisory Panel