20 Aug 2021

Transpower is seeking feedback on a wide range of options for future grid investments to meet the needs of a decarbonised future.
Under its Net Zero Grid Pathways (NZGP) programme, Transpower is planning for future investments on the backbone of Aotearoa’s electricity transmission grid. These investments will enable the electrification of the economy and assist with meeting New Zealand’s decarbonisation targets.
The NZGP1 Long List Consultation document released today focuses on the part of the grid backbone between the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) link between the North and South Islands, the transmission lines in the central North Island, and the lines around the Wairakei area.
Transpower GM Grid Development John Clarke said Transpower is preparing the grid to power an electrified economy.
“We estimate that the demand for electricity will increase by approximately 55% by 2050. New Zealand has an opportunity now to make grid infrastructure investments that will enable new renewable generation connections, and ensure the grid grows in both resilience and capacity as our electricity demand grows,” John said.
“Our long list suggests a wide range of possible options for the HVDC link and electricity transmission through the central North Island up to Wairakei. We are seeking feedback and advice on other options and insights from existing generators, new investors, lines companies and major electricity users. This feedback will help us bring those options down to a shortlist for further investigation.”
Options in the consultation paper range from minor grid upgrades, to building entirely new lines, to alternative technologies that may supplement or replace the need for grid upgrades.
Following the long list consultation, Transpower will complete further investigations and consult on a short list in 2022. A preferred solution will then be submitted to the Commerce Commission for consideration. Any major capital proposals for investment on the National Grid require Commerce Commission approval to proceed.
View the full consultation document at www.transpower.co.nz/NZGP. An information sheet is also available and provides an overview of this consultation.
Consultation is open from 20 August to 1 October 2021. Email feedback to [email protected].
For media enquiries, please contact:
Rachael Drummond, Senior Corporate Communications Advisor, 021 394 803