20 Aug 2018

Transpower New Zealand Limited Director, Tim Lusk, has today advised Transpower’s Shareholding Ministers that he will retire from the Board of Transpower for personal reasons effective 20 September 2018.
Transpower’s Chairman, Tony Ryall, said “Mr Lusk has made an enormous contribution to the energy sector, both as a director of Transpower, and as Chief Executive of Meridian Energy. He also held senior executive positions at Telecom New Zealand Ltd and McConnell Dowell International. We have benefited from his wisdom and insight as a director over the last four years.”
Shareholding Ministers will commence the recruitment of a new director to the Transpower Board.
For media enquires please contact:
Corporate Communications Manager Kerri Osborne on 04 590 7473 or 021 195 86
Disclosure Notice — Transpower Director to retire