28 Aug 2019

Transpower New Zealand Limited announced today that for its offer of NZ$150 million of unsecured, unsubordinated fixed rate bonds (Bonds), the interest rate for the Bonds will be 1.735 per cent per annum, which reflects a margin of 0.73 per cent over the underlying 6 year swap rate.
The Bonds will be issued on 4 September 2019 and will mature on 4 September 2025. The Bonds are expected to be quoted on the NZX Debt Market under the ticker code TRP070.
The final pricing supplement is attached.
For assistance, please contact:
Laura Ackland, Senior Corporate Communications Advisor, (04) 590 6721 or 027 5653 783
Disclosure Notice — Transpower interest rate determined for six-year retail bond
Transpower Final Pricing Supplement No.13