Roy Noble

Roy Noble - Head of Grid Delivery Integration 


Roy has been working at Transpower for nearly 25 years. 

Transpower has a big job ahead of it to meet New Zealand’s future electrification demands. So having Roy part of the team ensuring work on the grid is integrated, timely and well-planned is incredibly beneficial. 

Roy brings a wealth of experience. He’s seen it all. He’s been heavily involved in many successful projects over the years, including our 8-year North Island Grid Upgrade Project and most recently the Clutha Upper Waitaki Lines Project, undertaking duplexing of the lines in the region. He’s led our Tactical Engineering team, and several business improvement programmes, and has been a mentor to many of our people who have been through our grad programme. 

Advocate for your value and the value of others 

“It’s important we all feel valued at work and be proud of what we have to offer. There are people at Transpower who would rather get on with their work and communicating can feel hard sometimes. But sharing your views, your unique way of seeing the world, and different approaches to tackling a problem, could make all the difference to a project and to the people around you. It could inspire others do the same.” 

“I also think it’s important to work in ways that support your wellbeing. Surround yourself with supportive and cooperative people. I have loved the opportunities I’ve had to support people coming through the grad programme, and I know many of them are now keen to do the same for our most recent grads and young professionals.” 

“And, if there’s a cause you want to advocate for – do it. We have over ten community groups at Transpower, all advocating on issues they care about.” 

Advice to new graduates and young professionals 

“Get out there and get your hands dirty. It’s so important to understand the impact of the decisions you make and being in the field helps you see things practically applied. Put your hand up for site visits and work with our service providers.” 

“I’d also recommend not being too fixed in your thinking. Be willing to change your views and evolve your understanding of the problem, the potential solution, and the risk. There can be a lot to weigh up and sometimes moving through a project, rather than finding the perfect solution, is what’s most important.” 

“Finally, take the time to really understand your purpose and what makes you want to get out of bed in the morning. During the times when it’s not plain sailing, that passion and purpose will really see you through.” 

Why Roy’s proud to work at Transpower 

“I’ve worked on the national grid my entire career. It’s been incredibly rewarding. I find so much satisfaction in seeing positive outcomes. Some of our projects are over multiple years with a myriad of challenges. Seeing them through and knowing they will benefit our country for years to come feels great.” 

“We’re an entire business of people who care. Our job now is to be bolder than ever before. We need a decarbonised future and electrification is what people want. To make that happen we are going to need to move at pace and be more dynamic in how we do things than ever before.”

Check out Roy's starring role in the Humanising Energy series