Invitation to Comment: Low Residual Review Consultation (Closed)

Submissions closed 11 December 2024

Cross-submissions closed 18 December 2024

Transpower in its role as the System Operator consulted on its coordination of Low Residual (or tight capacity) Situations on the power system. These situations occur when the remaining offered capacity (Residual) for a given trading period drops to a level that increases the risk of a grid emergency and potential demand management. 

We constantly monitor forward schedules to anticipate Low Residual Situations and communicate with industry participants to avoid potential grid emergencies. The current Low Residual threshold is set at 200 MW. This threshold signals an increased risk of shortfall in real-time and provides information on potential actions that could reduce this risk.  

Feedback was sought on the threshold, process, notices, and communications used to coordinate Low Residual Situations and will help ensure the approach to managing them remains fit-for-purpose and is well understood by industry partners and stakeholders.


We received 6 submissions listed below.

Contact                                                    View


We received 2 cross-submissions listed below.

Major Electricity Users' Group            View