We are seeking views from industry and other stakeholders on potential changes to the rules around how Transpower in its System Operator role prepares and publishes information to assist participants to manage security of supply risks.
We are working together with the Electricity Authority on a review of the System Operator Security of Supply Forecasting and Information Policy (SOSFIP), which will be informed by consultation on this Issues Paper. Further consultation on a draft SOSFIP amendment proposal is planned for later in 2025. The Electricity Authority must approve any changes to the SOSFIP.
The consultation period is two weeks commencing on Monday, 10 March 2025. Submissions are due by 5pm on Monday, 24 March 2025. This is followed by a one-week period for cross-submissions. Cross-submissions are due by 5pm on Monday, 31 March 2025.
Please send submissions and cross-submissions to [email protected]. We will acknowledge receipt of all submissions and cross-submissions. Submissions and cross-submissions will be published here.
If your submission or cross-submission contains confidential material, please ensure this is clearly identified and provide a version of your submission or cross-submission that can be published.
If you have any questions about this consultation, please send them to [email protected]. Your questions and our responses to them will be published on our website for reference by other submitters and stakeholders.