Cable joint repair project - Auckland

Last updated: 27 May 2024

What is happening? 

Transpower is replacing joints on an underground electricity cable in Auckland between our Brownhill and Pakūranga substations. This work will begin in June 2024 and will be carried out over the next two to three years.


We are taking a prudent approach following two faults in cable joints on this circuit in the past three years by replacing all joints on the cable in a planned way. The issue was unforeseen and unexpected, but replacing these joints returns this important cable to its intended condition, so it can operate effectively for its expected 30–40-year life. Ensuring the cables can reliably supply electricity to Auckland and Northland is essential.

We assessed a range of other remediation options for the cable and concluded that replacing the joints will give the best overall outcome for electricity users in the region.


How does it affect me? 

Map of cable route showing excavation site locations

This is a complex project with some challenging excavation sites, which will cause traffic disruptions. 

We are mindful of our work in the community and want to understand your concerns and minimise the impacts of our work where we can.

More information for local residents and businesses is included in these information sheets:

This week, our team will be in Whitford holding two information sessions for local residents and businesses to drop in and ask more about the project, or raise concerns. We welcome you to join us.

  • Whitford Park Golf Club Cafe, 58 Whitford Park Road, Auckland
    Thursday 30 May 5pm – 8pm
    Friday 31 May 8.30am – 12pm

We have a number of mitigations underway to minimise the impacts of this work, including working six days a week to shorten the overall length of time for the project. We cannot undertake this work at night.

Safety for the public and for our workers is paramount, and our sites will be fenced and monitored. 

You can contact the team by emailing us at [email protected] or call 021 805 861 to talk to our Landowner and Community Engagement Lead on this project, Selina Corboy. 

Secure electricity supply

The work we are undertaking will not cause power cuts. Electricity supply into Auckland and Northland is secure and will continue to be secure during the works. This is because there is a companion cable on the circuit between Brownhill and Pakūranga, and we have recently built a temporary bypass line in north Waikato to provide additional security and ensure peak demand can be met.

Further communication and feedback

We will communicate directly with local communities, mana whenua and other stakeholders as the project progresses and we will also provide regular updates on this page. You can also sign up to the project e-newsletter.


The 10.5km cable is one of two supplying electricity into Auckland and Northland at times of peak demand as part of the high-capacity double circuit Pakūranga-Whakamaru transmission line.

Map of Brownhill to Pakuranga cable showing joint bay locations


Brownhill Pakuranga underground cable map 01


Brownhill Pakuranga underground cable map 02


Brownhill Pakuranga underground cable map 03