Draft Security of Supply Assessment 2024 (Closed)

Submissions closed 4 June 2024 

Transpower, as the system operator, is responsible for publishing the medium-term security of supply assessment (SOSA) annually. This assessment provides a 10-year assessment (2024 to 2033) of the balance between supply and demand in the New Zealand electricity system.

Its purpose is to inform risk management and investment decisions by generators, other market participants, and investors.

It forms part of New Zealand’s electricity security of supply framework. The system operator performs other security of supply-related functions described in the Security of Supply Forecasting and Information Policy (SOSFIP) and the Emergency Management Policy (EMP).

We are seeking feedback on the draft 2024 SOSA to consider prior to the final publication which will be no later than 30 June 2024. 

Consultation Documents:

Submissions Received: