18 Aug 2021

What occurred on August 17?
- One of the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) conductors (wire) fell across State Highway 7 in the Weka Pass area, Waikari in North Canterbury. No one was harmed.
What is the latest?
- Last night the road was cleared and reopened with the fallen conductor elevated above the road via hurdles.
- On site assessments last night and today have revealed six towers which normally hold the conductor have been damaged as part of the failure.
Repair of the conductor:
- We have crews on site now and work is well underway to plan the repairs.
- Replacement equipment and conductor has been dispatched for delivery to site. The safety of our people is of the upmost priority particularly now we are operating under COVID-19 Alert Level 4 protocols.
- The terrain, ground conditions, and current and forecast weather is making the work challenging.
- We have informed the market that we do not expect to have this conductor back in service before Sunday 22 August at 4:00pm.
What is being done to manage the supply of electricity while repairs are undertaken?
- Demand is currently down around 15% and we expect this trend to continue while in Alert Level 4 lockdown.
- We are in regular communication with industry regarding the situation, how demand is looking and what our level of supply is.
- We are currently forecasting sufficient supply to meet demand this evening and out for the rest of the week, barring a major plant failure.
Why did the conductor fall?
- Our primary focus is to repair the issue. The investigation into why the conductor fell, will take time to complete.
- Early indications are that this was a one-off fault and not a systemic issue.
What was Transpower’s response to the event?
- We issued a Grid Emergency asking for increased generation and for electricity distribution businesses (lines companies) in the North Island to reduce all controllable demand (such as hot water).
- The industry responded accordingly and Transpower was able to maintain the stability of the system nationwide without any disconnections.
For further information, please contact:
Deborah Gray, Corporate Communications Manager, 021 624 170.
Media update — 17 August Grid Emergency