29 Apr 2022

Transpower today announces the appointment of Dr Keith Turner as Chair of its Board of Directors, and a year extension of Deputy Chair Dean Carroll’s term.
Dr Turner will commence the role of Chair of the Transpower Board on 1 May 2022 for a term up to 31 October 2024. He has been a Director on the Board since December 2021.
Dean has been a Director on Transpower’s Board since 2016, and Deputy Chair since 2018. He is Chair of the System Operator Committee (Kāhui whakamahi pūnaha), Transmission Pricing Methodology Committee (Kāhui tikanga pūtea whakawhiti) and the People and Performance Committee (Kāhui whakahaere tangata me te mahi).
Dr Turner’s appointment fills the vacancy on the Board following former Chair Pip Dunphy’s retirement in February this year. Deputy Chair Dean Carroll has been Acting Chair since Ms Dunphy’s retirement.
Acting Chair Dean Carroll says Dr Turner’s energy sector experience will be an asset as Transpower works to empower Aotearoa’s energy future.
“Dr Turner has more than 40 years’ experience in the electricity industry, having held senior executive positions in Meridian Energy (CEO), the former Electricity Corporation of New Zealand (COO), and its predecessor NZED. Since 2008, he has been a professional Chair, Deputy Chair and Director on major New Zealand and Australian Boards including Auckland International Airport, Chorus NZ, Spark Infrastructure and its three asset companies, (South Australia Power Networks, Victoria Power Networks and TransGrid in NSW) and Fisher & Paykel. In 2018, he was appointed as a member of the Interim Climate Change Committee by the New Zealand Government, which began crucial work on how Aotearoa transitions to a net zero carbon economy by 2050.”
Dr Turner has a PhD in engineering, is a Distinguished Fellow of IPENZ and holds the Sir William Pickering Medal for Engineering Leadership.
For further information, please contact:
Senior Communications Advisor Laura Ackland, 021 394 042.
Disclosure notice: Transpower announces new Chair and Board extension