04 Dec 2017

Transpower advised today that its artwork collection is due to go to public auction on 6-7 December. The collection comprises 51 pieces and is being managed by Dunbar Sloane auction house.
As part of the company’s move to its new Wellington office in Boulcott Street, the artwork that was largely purchased in the years when the company was the New Zealand Electricity Department, has been placed to auction.
Chief Executive Alison Andrew said that the collection had not been added to in over 20 years, and there were a number of items that would be of interest to New Zealand art buyers.
“The consolidation of our two buildings on The Terrace, into a new refurbished building in Boulcott Street, offered an opportunity to relook at the collection that had been built up over the decades.”
“We felt it was no longer appropriate for us to keep an art collection of this size and that the pieces would be better enjoyed by art enthusiasts. Dunbar Sloane have all of our pieces now listed in their 6-7 December catalogue.”
“We decided not keep any of the pieces in the company – rather, we are selling the collection in its entirety. The proceeds of the auction, following commission from the auction house, will go back to electricity consumers,” she said.
The artwork will go to public auction on 6-7 December. A public pre-viewing is available the night prior. Information on the sale process is available from Dunbar Sloane.
Relocation to 22 Boulcott Street
This month, Transpower consolidated two office buildings into one, at a new Boulcott Street location.
“Physical space is an enabler of change and innovation. A few years ago, we embarked on an ongoing transformation journey and the opportunity became available to embed our behavioural and operational changes with a new physical space due to our two current premises leases expiring.”
“With substantial remedial works and seismic strengthening required, it was more cost effective and less disruptive to find a new space. We undertook a substantial search and evaluation of a variety of refurbished spaces vs new builds — and eventually settled on a refurbished building at 22 Boulcott Street — a space that allowed us to implement a new agile-based working environment conducive to our transformational objectives, and bring all our staff under one roof,” she said.
“Given the criticality of our infrastructure and the live power systems that we run from our offices, our new building is of the highest seismic standards — 100% on the north side and 130% on the south side — ensuring resilience for the New Zealand power system. We have also implemented an environmentally-friendly and sustainable framework to help us to reduce our carbon and environmental footprint — the building aims for a 5-star Greenstar rating and a 5-star NABERS rating,” she said.
For further information, please contact:
Rebecca Wilson, Corporate Communications Manager, 021 578 608