09 Dec 2019

We can confirm that nine of our towers on the Roxburgh-Islington transmission line which crosses the Rangitata River, have been damaged.
This is the single circuit Islington-Roxburgh line which carries the Islington-Livingstone 1, 220 kV circuit.
The damage was caused by the collapse of the tower anchored in the Rangitata River which was then swept away by the river.
The collapse of the first tower significantly increased the tension on other towers, resulting in three more towers falling and a further five being damaged.
As the river subsides, we will complete detailed engineering inspections of the structures and their foundations. From there a programme of work will be scoped for the necessary repairs.
We are unable to put a timeline or cost on this work until it is adequately scoped. This will take some days and is dependent on access to the structures.
Existing planned work, including planned outages, will be reassessed and reprioritised in order to complete the required programme of work on the Roxburgh-Islington transmission line.
No other damage to any other lines has been found despite the 77 circuit trippings that occurred across the country, over the weekend. All are likely to be weather related (predominantly lightning) and resulted in just four short losses of supply (three at Reefton and one at Maungaturoto).
Transpower wishes to thank its partner Broadspectrum for their exceptional work throughout the weekend and this week in South Canterbury.
For further information, please contact:
Media line: 021 195 8613
Deborah Gray, Corporate Communications Manager, 021 624 170
Media Statement — Transpower confirms damage to towers from Rangitata flooding