11 Sep 2018

Transpower has established a Consumer Advisory Panel to better understand the needs, issues and opportunities for New Zealanders as the country considers the implications of moving to a low carbon economy.
Chief Executive Alison Andrew says that as part of our work with Te Mauri Hiko shows, changes will be required that will affect households, businesses, industries and communities.
“We need to understand a wide range of views and connect more closely with New Zealanders to better understand their long-term interests and expectations. This panel will give energy users and consumers a voice so we can integrate these views into our business planning”, Alison Andrew says.
The Panel will bring together a broad and diverse group of people who represent all aspects of society, including those on lower incomes.
“We’re aiming to build closer ties with our communities and iwi to bring their perspectives and concerns to the industy table. We expect this diversity to generate robust honest debate, and to change the way we do things.”
Panel members represent Community Networks Aotearoa, Rural Women NZ, Consumer NZ, Greypower, Generation Zero, iwi, Business NZ and Economic Development NZ.
Grey Power spokesperson Allen Davies said he’s looking forward to contributing to the Consumer Advisory Panel and assisting in providing a communication link to consumers for such an essential commodity.
“For consumers, the workings of the electricity industry are a bit of a mystery and Transpower’s decision to set up this Panel will help open the doors to improved communication with us so we can be heard. We also hope to get a better understanding of Transpower’s place in the electricity supply chain.” Allen Davies said.
The Panel has its first meeting on 8 November and will act as an independent advisory body providing Transpower with advice on a range of issues and opportunities.
For further information, please contact:
Laura Ackland, Senior Corporate Communications Advisor, 04 590 6721 or 027 565 3783.
Media Release — Transpower Consumer Advisory Panel announced