28 Aug 2020

National transmission grid owner Transpower today confirmed it has reinstated the permanent replacement of the Islington-Livingstone transmission circuit, damaged last December when the Rangitata River flooded.
Nine of Transpower’s transmission towers were damaged in the flooding which resulted in the loss one circuit supplying the upper South Island. Despite this there was no loss of power to communities as Transpower was able to redirect supply via other circuits.
A temporary line was established in late March just as the country entered the COVID-19 Alert Level 4 lockdown, ensuring full security of supply to the upper South Island prior to winter.
Transpower’s GM Grid Delivery Mark Ryall says despite the unplanned nature of the work, the project to replace the circuit was executed seamlessly.
“To achieve this result takes a dedicated team of experts working together and the support of our landowners, the Council and the community.
“We were fortunate to have exactly that for this project and our thanks go to the team at Broadspectrum for their efforts. Our thanks also to the Rangitata community and Environment Canterbury for providing the support we needed to reinstate the circuit.”