Transpower releases its latest Whakamana i Te Mauri Hiko monitoring report

29 Mar 2021

Whakamana I Te Mauri Hiko

Transpower has released its latest Whakamana i Te Mauri Hiko monitoring report, providing an update on progress against the scenarios outlined in its 2020 Whakamana I Te Mauri Hiko document.

This monitoring report is designed to identify within key drivers of Te Mauri Hiko, those factors that are consistent — or vary — from the expected course of Transpower’s scenarios. 

It shows that New Zealand is now trending towards the ‘Electric Tiwai Exit’ scenario.​ Drivers of electricity demand, such as economic growth and electrification are continuing to grow, despite the setback in early 2020 due to COVID-19.​

​Uncertainty remains from if and when New Zealand’s Aluminium Smelter at Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter exits the system, if and when replacement demand materialises, and the long term implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.​


For more information, please contact: 

Joseph Hornell, Corporate Communications Advisor

022 516 7250


Whakamana i Te Mauri Hiko monitoring report March 2021