Bunnythorpe-Wilton (Judgeford to Wilton) Reconductoring Project

Last updated: 17 Mar 2025

What are we doing?

We need to continually operate, maintain and develop New Zealand's transmission network - the National Grid - to ensure we meet the ongoing electricity needs of New Zealanders.

We are replacing the conductor (wire) on the Judgeford to Wilton section of the Bunnythorpe-Wilton transmission line in Wellington. This line section helps provide supply to the Wellington region, and the entire line is also a key enabler for moving power south or north on the HVDC inter-island link.

Why are we doing it?

The conductor on this section of line was commissioned in 1982, and after 37 years of service is now nearing the end of its economic life. At its closest point the line is around 2 km from the coast, and is othewise exposed in an area well known for high northwesterly winds. Corrosion from high levels of salt in the air have led to significant corrosion over its lifetime, and deterioration has reached a point where replacement in the near future is required in order to continue to provide a safe high voltage transmission service.

How it will affect you?

The work to replace the conductor is expected to commence in mid-2020 and be complete by 2023/4. We do not expect any interruptions to your power, and the effects of the construction will be localised to those communities near the line.

More information

Bunnythorpe-Wilton Preferred Option Summary of Submissions.pdf [ pdf 850.45 KB ]

BPE-WIL A Reconductoring Preferred Option.pdf [ pdf 1.44 MB ]

Contact Energy Submission Oct 2016 [ pdf 121.39 KB ]

MEUG submission October 2016 [ pdf 102.4 KB ]

Bunnythorpe-Wilton (JFD-WIL) Reconductoring Long-list Consultation.pdf [ pdf 689.3 KB ]