Edgecumbe to Kawerau Lines - Thermal Upgrade

Last updated: 23 Jul 2024

Lines connecting near Mount Putauaki

What are we doing?

Transpower is undertaking a tactical thermal upgrade of the Kawerau Deviation A 220 kV line and a section of the Ohakuri to Edgecumbe 220 kV line.  A thermal upgrade operates the lines hotter which allows them to carry more electricity - but to achieve that some work on the supporting towers and conductor is needed.

Why are we doing it?

This is one of many projects that Transpower has planned or underway to release more capacity from its existing network. That capacity is needed as we move towards more electricity solutions in our transport and industrial processes (ie electrification).  

What is the timing for this work?

Transpower is undertaking this project over the 2024/25 year.

Will this work impact me?

We do not expect to have any outages during this work, and we will work with landowners with our lines on them to minimise disruption.