Port Taranaki Line Reconfiguration and Line Removal

Last updated: 17 Mar 2025

Connection of lines at Tank Farm New Plymouth

What are we doing?

We need to continually operate, maintain and develop New Zealand's transmission network - the National Grid - to ensure we meet the ongoing electricity needs of New Zealanders.

In the last few years we have reconfigured out network supplying New Plymouth which has given us an opportunity to remove some redundant lines and towers from around the Tank Farm through Spotswood to Port Taranaki.  Destringing the two sections of line and 16 towers is expected to get underway around mid-2023, with tower removal expected shortly after.

Why are we doing it?

The reconfiguration of our network was brought about through the need to vacate Port Taranaki land where we previously had a substation.  By reinforcing our Carrington substation, and coordinating with the local lines company, Powerco, we have been able to remove the old substation at the Port and connect the two lines that used to connect there, at a point further back from the Port.  This means we have two sections of transmission line from around the Tank Farm back to the Port, together with 16 towers that can now be decommissioned and removed.

More information

Prior to deciding how far back to connect the two lines, we went out to the community with a number of options.  You can find that information below.  Of the options presented, Transpower decided to proceed with Option 2.


Summary of Submissions - December 2019 [ pdf 114.07 KB ]

North Taranaki Regional Supply Options Consultation [ pdf 4.43 MB ]

New Plymouth Map [ pdf 998.1 KB ]