Southern Waikato Regional Network Investigation

Last updated: 13 Sep 2022

What we are doing

We need to continually operate, maintain and develop New Zealand's transmission network – the National Grid – to ensure we meet the ongoing electricity needs of New Zealanders.

Transpower is commencing work to identify the need for investment on the southern Waikato 110 kV network (roughly between Hangatiki and Hamilton).

Why we are doing it

The southern Waikato 110 kV network is becoming more and more constrained due to the complex interplay between this and connecting regions and generation.

The nature of load growth in the region will make any future investments for either electricity distribution businesses or ourselves very challenging. However, as a prudent grid operator we need to work with our stakeholders on the need and possible options.

We don’t have a solution yet or know whether a solution would be feasible, but by socialising the issue with others interested we hope to inform our future work.

More information about the project

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