Takapū substation restoration project

Last updated: 17 Mar 2025

Takapu Road Substation Planting Imagery

What are we doing? 

We've embarked on a large restoration project to improve the biodiversity and ecological condition of the land and waterways surrounding our Takapū substation. We will continue to update this page as other milestones are reached and videos of our progress and published. 

This work is the first big initiative of our Biodiversity Strategy, and is being done in collaboration with many partners, such as The Growing Places Charitable Trust, Ngāti Toa Rangatira (mana whenua), Greater Wellington Regional Council, Department of Conservation, Porirua City Council, Wellington City Council, schools of Tawa and landowners. 

We first identified 6.2 hectares of land to place approximately 2,000 plants, and had several schools around the area help with the planting and restoration. Over the next few years, we plan to restore even more of this land area.