REZ consultation


There are many regions in New Zealand where a REZ could be suitable. To test the concept, we’ve worked with Top Energy and Northpower – Northland’s electricity distribution businesses – to propose an initial pilot REZ in Northland. Transpower is keen to work collaboratively to explore and potentially enable this kind of infrastructure investment.

We want to understand whether this is a path New Zealand should pursue, and we also want to understand who the potential collaborators on REZs in New Zealand could be. 

Consultation on the concept nationally and the Northland Pilot ran from 28 February - 8 April 2022. Transpower thanks those who submitted - your feedback and a summary of the submissions has been published. Transpower is now working to consider the points raised before making a decision on whether and how to proceed with a REZ in New Zealand.

Consultation documents and submissions (consultation now closed)

To reach the project team email [email protected]