Our System Operator role

We run the wholesale electricity market and operate the power system so that New Zealand homes and businesses can access the electricity they need, every second of every day.  

Our System Operator role

We run the wholesale electricity market and operate the power system so that New Zealand homes and businesses can access the electricity they need, every second of every day. 

An independent System Operator

The System Operator function of Transpower must remain separate from the Grid Owner function of Transpower. Read more about this here.

Working with our regulator

We work with our regulator the Electricity Authority to operate and develop the electricity market to deliver long-term benefits to New Zealand consumers.

Operating the wholesale electricity market

We operate the wholesale electricity market where major industrial users and the retailers that supply consumers buy electricity from generators.

Security of supply and capacity

We work with industry to ensure there is enough generation to meet New Zealand’s electricity needs now and into the future, as well as sufficient transmission capacity to carry it to where it is used.

Our people in the System Operator

Hear about the meaningful work of our team