SOSFIP Consultations

2022 Consultation

The Authority commissioned MartinJenkins to undertake an operational review of the 2021 dry year. This review included the dry year risk regime which includes the Security of Supply Forecasting and Information Policy (SOSFIP) and Emergency Management Policy (EMP). While the review found that the security of supply framework worked as intended and the dry year situation was managed, it highlighted areas of improvement for the SOSFIP and EMP.

After receiving the findings of the MartinJenkins report the Authority and Transpower initiated a review of these policies which are now available for initial consultation. This consultation proposes updates to the SOSFIP and EMP.  Below is a link to the consultation paper, we aim to publish the non-confidential submissions on this page towards the end of May 2022.

Submissions Received

Contact Energy [ pdf 166.42 KB ]First Gas [ pdf 551.11 KB ]Genesis Energy [ pdf 185.42 KB ]Gas Industry Co [ pdf 546.72 KB ]
Manawa [ pdf 239.56 KB ]Mercury [ pdf 169.66 KB ]Meridian Energy [ pdf 235.65 KB ]MEUG [ pdf 173.6 KB ]
Nova [ pdf 247.8 KB ]OMV [ pdf 168.99 KB ]  

Approved policy

Following consultation and submissions, the latest approved SOSFIP is published on the Electricity Authority website here. A direct link to the document is here.


2019 Consultation

Consultation Documents

Submissions Received

Contact Energy [ pdf 266.76 KB ]Flick [ pdf 321.78 KB ]Genesis Energy [ PDF 295.26 KB ]Mercury [ pdf 223.57 KB ]
Meridian Energy [ pdf 130.85 KB ]MUEG [ pdf 144.21 KB ]Nova Energy [ pdf 294.52 KB ]Pioneer Energy [ pdf 87.59 KB ]
Trustpower [ PDF 525.41 KB ]Vocus [ pdf 90.73 KB ]