NZGP Latest updates

May 2024: Analysis demonstrates HVDC equipment at Haywards to deliver $56 million of value

On 13 May 2024, Transpower published updated analysis that demonstrates the benefit of investing in new equipment as part of the high voltage direct current (HVDC) link and sought feedback on this analysis. View the HVDC Stage 1 Enhancement Project Analysis.

February 2024: Commerce Commission approves NZGP 1 stage 1 investment 

On 28 February 2024 the Commerce Commission approved our $392.9 million NZGP1 stage 1 investment. The final decision can be viewed in full on the Commerce Commission website.

April 2023: NZGP1 consultation on proposed starting customer allocations

On 27 April, our Grid Pricing team began consulting on proposed benefit-based investment (BBI) starting customer allocations for two of three components of our Net Zero Grid Pathways (NZGP) phase one project.

In December 2022, we submitted a major capex project (MCP) proposal to the Commerce Commission (Commission) on NZGP phase one. We expect the Commission to consult on its draft decision for our MCP proposal in May and publish its final decision before the end of 2023. We are consulting now as we want to ensure customers have information about any allocation they would receive for the proposed NZGP investments prior to the Commission's consultation process. Starting customer allocations are used to calculate an investment's benefit-based charges.

Read more about the consultation or Read our submission documents.

December 2022: NZGP1 submitted for investment approval

On 5 December, we provided our first submission for the Net Zero Grid Pathways programme to the Commerce Commission for investment approval. The Commission will review our proposal and consult on their draft decision during 2023.

Read our submission documents.

August 2022: NZGP1 Stage 1 Shortlist consultation submissions

On 19 August we published the submissions we received on our shortlist consultation (below).

Transpower thanks submitters who have shared information through these consultation processes.

The submissions we received will help us further develop a preferred option and following that an MCP will be submitted in late 2022. 

NZGP1 short-list consultation submissions received

A Batkin submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

Contact Energy submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

Helios Energy submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

Horizon Energy submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

Independent Electricity Generators Association submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

Major Electricity Users Group submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

Mercury submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

Meridian submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

New Zealand Offshore Wind Development Limited submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

Nova submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

Powerco submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

solarZero submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

The Lines Company submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

Vector submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

Venture Taranaki submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

WEL Networks submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

Wind Quarry Zealandia submission on NZGP1 Stage 1 shortlist August 2022

July 2022: Webinars for NZGP1 Stage 1 Shortlist consultation

Transpower held two webinars in July outlining the shortlist consultation and the indicative pricing.

The first, on Friday 8 July at 11am, discussed an overview of the NZGP1 Stage 1 Shortlist. Watch the recording below.



A further webinar was held on 26 July 2022 to outline the indicative covered costs and starting benefits-based investment customer allocations for the shortlist options, under the TPM.

View the slides for the indicative covered costs webinar.

June 2022: NZGP1 Stage 1 Shortlist consultation

Transpower is consulting on the NZGP1 Stage 1 Shortlist from 30 June 2022 to 15 August 2022. The investment options are focused around the the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) link between the North and South Islands, the transmission lines in the central North Island, and the lines around the Wairakei area. Following feedback and further development of a preferred option, a NZGP1 Major Capital Proposal for grid investment will be submitted to the Commerce Commission in late 2022. 

View the NZGP1 Stage 1 Shortlist Consultation document 

View a summary of the shortlist consultation

View the supporting document with indicative pricing under the new TPM - added 14 July.

December 2021: NZGP1 Scenarios and Long-list consultation submissions

NZGP1 Scenarios Update

Transpower has published its view of future electricity supply and demand scenarios that will drive upcoming investment on the National Grid. The Net Zero Grid Pathways Scenarios Update 2021 outlines five possible scenarios and will be critical to determining the grid investments needed to 2035, to enable renewables and electrification.

Thanks to those who have shared information through the consultation process, including existing generators, future investors, others in the electricity sector, and electricity users.

View the NZGP1 Scenarios Update, December 2021.

Read the news story: Transpower’s updated electricity scenarios will guide future investment

NZGP1 Long-list consultation submissions received

Thank you to those who provided submissions during the NZGP1 Long-list consultation from August to October 2021.

Mercury submission on NZGP1 Long-list October 2021

Meridian submission on NZGP1 Long-list October 2021

NZ Geothermal Association submission on NZGP1 Long-list October 2021

Smart Wires submission on NZGP1 Long-list October 2021

Takehe 8C submission on NZGP1 Long-list October 2021

Unison submission on NZGP1 Long-list October 2021

Vector submission on NZGP1 Long-list October 2021

August 2021: NZGP1 Consultation and Upper North Island voltage support RFI

Consultation: NZGP1 Long-list

From August to October, Transpower sought feedback on a wide range of options for future grid investments to meet the needs of a decarbonised future.

The NZGP1 Long-list Consultation document focuses on the part of the grid backbone between the High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) link between the North and South Islands, the transmission lines in the central North Island, and the lines around the Wairakei area.

A brief overview is also available:

Transpower was particularly interested to know whether our picture of the future and scenario assumptions were reasonable, and whether there is anything missing from the longlist or further criteria for decision-making.

Consultation closed on 1 October 2021 and the input is being considered. Thank you to all who submitted.

Request for Information: Upper North Island voltage support

Transpower issued a Request for Information (RFI) about possible non-transmission solutions for the next stage of investment in voltage management across the Waikato and Upper North Island.


July 2021: Net Zero Grid Pathways brochure

A new Net Zero Grid Pathways brochure has been published and provides an overview of:

What is Net Zero Grid Pathways The process for projects within Net Zero Grid Pathways


View the Net Zero Grid Pathways (July 2021) brochure.

  • Meeting the initial needs: Tactical and Phase One investments
  • Industry consultation during 2021


May 2021: Consultation to prioritise generation scenarios

Further to the earlier Transpower consultation on variations to EDGS 2019, we sought additional feedback from all generation investors on the supply side generation scenarios, specifically around new wind and solar generation.

The 2020-21 consultation on variations to EDGS provided enough certainty on demand side scenarios. However, to produce accurate predications we sought further information on the supply side. We specifically sought input on how to prioritise potential new wind and solar generation investment. Because of the similarities between the various potential wind and solar projects in New Zealand, it is difficult to select regions to enable first for this type of new generation.

Consultation: Prioritising the enablement of new wind and solar generation

This consultation closed on Friday 11 June 2021 and the input is being considered. Thank you to all who submitted.

April 2021: Least Regrets Tactical investments

Our work to date has identified economically viable, smaller scale, least regrets investments that could be implemented within five years. These are needed in all scenarios, deliver high economic benefit for a relatively low cost and can be delivered quickly.

In addition we want to work with you to confirm the need and scope, then plan and seek approval for larger projects to 2035.

Wairakei Ring Series Reactor - At our webinar in March (see recording below) we announced a decision to proceed with the Wairakei Ring Series Reactor by 2023.

View the Wairakei Ring Series Reactor Information Sheet (April 2021) 

Lower North Island 110kV Regional Grid Constraints – We will shortly announce details of our plans here.

We are also investigating possible within five-year tactical options for the HVDC and Central North Island, including ways to relieve possible constraints.

March 2021: Webinar – Net Zero Grid Pathways

A webinar on 22 March updated the conversation around the Net Zero Grid Pathways initiatives, in the context of recent generation announcements and the still uncertain future of the aluminium smelter at Tiwai Point.

View the slides for the 22 March Net Zero Grid Pathways webinar

Watch the webinar recording below:

December 2020 – February 2021: EDGS 2019 Variations Consultation for future scenarios

Consultation has now closed on our draft Electricity Demand and Generation Scenarios (EDGS) 2019 variations.

Submissions received February 2021:

Consultation document December 2020:

As described in the document, our draft approach departs from simply varying the five scenarios described in the EDGS. We are not proposing to vary the stories underlying each scenario, but are proposing demand and supply scenarios separately. Some changes that have occurred since the July 2019 EDGS were published, impact electricity demand and some impact electricity supply. While we are proposing five demand scenarios, we are also proposing a matrix of possible supply scenarios. In our view, there is too much uncertainty about future electricity supply options to rely on just five scenarios. We propose leaving the supply possibilities as a matrix, with a suitable set of final scenarios to be determined according to the investigation.

In December 2020 we also issued an update on the Accessing Lower South Island Renewables here.

Our thanks to the Transpower Net Zero Grid Pathways Scenario Development Panel members who provided insightful and useful feedback on our initial thoughts in regard to bringing the EDGS 2019 up-to-date.


The Transpower Net Zero Grid Pathways Scenario Development Panel met for the first time on 5 November 2020. This was the first of two meetings to discuss whether the EDGS 2019 should be varied, in order to bring them up-to-date and ensure they are suitable for both phases of our Net Zero Grid Pathways (NZGP) project, including phase one, our Accessing Lower South Island Renewables (ALSIR) project.


Read the Pre-Reading Document (provided to panellists ahead of the 5 November 2020 meeting).

The second online meeting was on 2 December 2020, which saw panellists discuss our application of the variations they recommended on 5 November and the resultant draft EDGS 2019 variations. The purpose of this consultation was to offer other interested parties an opportunity to comment on any modifications we should consider for our EDGS 2019 variations. You can view the second meeting below: 


Read the Pre-Reading Document provided to panellists ahead of the 2 December 2020 meeting). 

Observers to the 5 November online meeting were offered the opportunity to submit questions as the meeting progressed. Those questions were noted and will be treated as written submissions, so do not need to be repeated.


The meeting facilitator, John Hancock, clarified two particular aspects of the pre-reading document for the panellists and observers yesterday. In our own words, these were:

Transpower’s scenario development process reflects a need to be getting on quickly to consider the implications of the Tiwai aluminium smelter closure for electricity transmission. MBIE are looking to update some data in the EDGS soon. They are currently considering which aspects to update, ahead of a full scenario refresh. This work will be coordinated with modelling work that supports development of climate change pathways. Some of MBIE’s updates may be for aspects we are considering variations for now. We can’t presuppose what those updates may be, but our approach will try and ensure the range we reflect in our variables will cover any MBIE changes.

The reference tables in the pre-reading document are included for information. They highlight a difference between EDGS and WiTMH, compared to the BEC scenarios, which is not well explained. The two BEC scenarios are more conventional scenarios than either EDGS or WiTMH. Traditionally, scenarios are different future paths that could emerge and which are used to inform development of company long term strategy. They are plausible, but not necessarily likely and their probability of occurrence cannot be determined. Both EDGS and WiTMH are more like forecasts, or futures, than conventional scenarios. They are different states of the future, but we assign a probability to them in order to analyse the economics of transmission investment options. In that regard, the BEC scenarios may be more extreme than EDGS and that appears to be the case from the tables. The BEC scenarios and EDGS are intended for different purposes, so the differences are not unexpected.

October 2020: Scenario Development Panel Confirmed – Meetings Scheduled

Thank you for your interest in our scenario development process.

Applications for the panel closed 16 October 2020 and selected Panel members are below

John HancockMeeting facilitator
Paul BothaRoaring 40’s
Pauline MartinGenesis Energy
Allan MillerAllan Miller Consulting
Marcos PelenurEnergy Efficiency Conservation Authority
Jen PurdieUniversity of Otago
Glen SullivanFonterra
Ryno VersterPowerco
Philip Wong TooTilt Renewables


Online Panel Meeting  5 November 2020

To discuss whether and how the EDGS 2019 should be varied to bring them up to date for issues that have occurred since their publication in July 2019


Read our industry update announcing the panel.

Online panel meeting 2 December 2020

The purpose of the second panel meeting will be to consider and discuss the draft scenarios themselves.   

Transpower seeks applications for Net Zero Grid Pathways Scenario Development Panel

Read our latest industry update 

Scenario Development Terms of Reference (PDF)

Apply to join the Scenario Development Panel (PDF)

September 2020: Webinar – Industry Update

A short summary of the project is here [ pdf 370.53 KB ]

You can access a copy of the presentation here [ pdf 1.14 MB ]

The recorded video from the 28 September 2020 webinar is also available to view below.

Waikato and Upper North Island Voltage Management Project

In September 2020, the Commerce Commission approved Transpower’s Major Capital Expenditure Proposal for the Waikato Upper North Island Voltage Management project. In their determination they stated that the closure of the smelter “increases the likelihood of the [Huntly] Rankines’ removal from normal service’, which in turn increases the risk of voltage stability issues in the Waikato and Upper North Island region. Since 2012, over 1000MW of generation has already shut down in Auckland and through the Waikato. This generation reduction coupled with the actual and expected demand growth in the region raises significant voltage stability risks. As we progress the project to manage these risks, we will provide updates via the linked webpage.

Read more about this project here.