18 Dec 2020

Transpower is seeking your feedback on its draft EDGS 2019 variations.
The consultation document can be found here.
Consultation is open until 5:00pm, Friday 26 February 2021. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected] using the heading “Draft EDGS 2019 variations consultation”.
Submitters may comment on any relevant aspect of our topic.
Our draft approach departs from simply varying the five scenarios described in the EDGS. We are not proposing to vary the stories underlying each scenario, but are proposing demand and supply scenarios separately.
Some changes that have occurred since the July 2019 EDGS were published, impact electricity demand and some impact electricity supply.
While we are proposing five demand scenarios, we are also proposing a matrix of possible supply scenarios. In our view, there is too much uncertainty about future electricity supply options to rely on just five scenarios.
We propose leaving the supply possibilities as a matrix, with a suitable set of final scenarios to be determined according to the investigation.
Click here for more information.