Consultation process

Our consultation process for major projects

In addition to our usual engagement work, our largest projects (called major capex projects) and our 5-year regulated workplan have consultation requirements set out by the Commerce Commission.

  • In these major capex projects, we consult on our need for the investment, the demand and generation scenarios we use and the assumptions these rely on, a long list of investment options to meet the identified need, and finally (separately) a short list of investment options. The feedback we receive during these consultations helps shape the refined options in the shortlist consultation.
  • For these large projects, we also formally consider whether there are non-transmission solutions that could meet our investment need and could be considered as an alternative. Currently, we do this through seeking information (a formal Request for Information process) and then proposals (a formal Request for Proposals process).
  • Our 5-year-workplan is consulted on twice (once by Transpower and once by the Commerce Commission) and is subject to independent verification.

Who can respond to a consultation?

Transpower’s formal consultations are open to all. Typically, submitters are involved in the electricity industry in some way, as participants or representative groups, as well as consultants, iwi, and other groups with an interest in the relevant local area. We encourage any party to put thoughts forward for us to understand and consider through the consultation process.

Often our consultation process includes information sessions such as webinars, written answers to questions we are asked, and opportunities to hear more about the thinking behind the work we are proposing.

See our current open consultations.