An Asset Capability Statement (ACS) includes information about an asset’s capability and operational limitations during normal and abnormal grid conditions. It is an enduring schedule of information and parameters about assets connected to the power system. The ACS ensures that important records are preserved for as long as necessary for legal, regulatory, or operational reasons, while also allowing for the timely disposal of information that is no longer needed.
Find out more by clicking here and watching the video.
Submitting an ACS
Asset Owners and Grid Owner Dynamic Support Equipment
The Code requires an ACS to be formally updated and submitted whenever an asset is commissioned, modified, or decommissioned. You can do this by submitting an ACS application on the System Operator Customer Portal. Note that you must register for access first by following the instructions on this page, where you can also find some guiding documents for navigating the application.
Here are some other guidance we have prepared to support you:
Document | What is it for? |
GL-EA-959 Asset Capability Information Overview | Defines the asset capability information required by the System Operator under the Code. |
YouTube playlist | Videos teaching Asset Owners about different aspects of the ACS application. |
Generator ACS Template | Spreadsheet listing the fields in an ACS that are of interest to the System Operator. |
If you need to urgently or temporarily change an ACS, read through our section further down for instructions. Otherwise, if you have any other questions about the ACS process, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Distributors must submit their ACS by completing the Distributor ACS spreadsheet. Email this along with the required information and any applicable diagrams and drawings in pdf format to [email protected].
Important note:
North Island Automatic Under-Frequency Load Shedding (AUFLS) providers will need to submit their AUFLS load profile data through the AUFLS application on the System Operator Customer Portal.
South Island Grid Owners must provide AUFLS block demand profile information as agreed with the System Operator.
Urgent Asset Capability Changes
Asset Owners may unexpectedly become aware that an asset’s capability differs from the capability described in the most recently submitted ACS, but they may determine it is not practical to submit a new ACS and must perform further investigations to confirm the asset’s actual capability. In such a case, you must:
- Verbally notify the Energy Co-ordinator on 0800 535 123.
- Download and complete the FM-EA-011 Urgent Asset Capability Change Form and send it to [email protected].
Important note:
- The asset capability information provided on the Urgent Asset Capability Change Form is a temporary asset capability change and is only valid for the duration noted on the submitted form. Asset capability information will revert to the formally advised ACS information once the duration on the submitted form has passed.
- For temporary changes longer than one week, you must submit a formal change to the ACS via the ACS application in the System Operator Customer Portal.
- Advising the System Operator of an urgent asset capability change does not relieve the Asset Owner from complying with the Code, nor does it give an opportunity to seek relief from the Code. If the change results in a non-compliance with the Code, then the Asset Owner must manage this.