Asset Capability Statements (ACS)

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An Asset Capability Statement (ACS) is an enduring schedule of information and parameters about assets connected to the power system. It includes capability and operational limitation information that applies to specific assets during normal and abnormal conditions which may arise on the grid.

Generators are obliged to complete a relevant ACS whenever they commission, decommission or modify their assets by submitting or updating the information directly into the ACS application in the Operations Customer Portal. Distributors and Transpower as the grid owner are required to submit the relevant spreadsheet (see links below) by email to the System Operator.

Before you complete an ACS, refer to the Asset Capability Information Overview and ACS template under Related Documents to get a better understanding of the general asset capability information requirements and the data fields that are of specific interest to the System Operator.

Submitting an ACS

Generators and Transpower as the grid owner

Formal submission of an ACS must be done using the ACS application on the Operations Customer Portal. 


Distributors will continue to submit their ACS by completing the Distributor ACS template and emailing the spreadsheet with all required information and any applicable diagrams and drawings attached (in pdf format) to [email protected].

Important note:

North Island Automatic Under-Frequency Load Shedding (AUFLS) providers will need to submit their AUFLS load profile data through the AUFLS application on the Operations Customer Portal.

Operations Customer Portal – Link to online application

Urgent asset capability changes

An asset owner may need to urgently or temporarily change an asset capability when they:

  • unexpectedly become aware that the capability of an asset may differ from the capability described in the most recent ACS that has been provided to the System Operator; and
  • determine it is not practicable to submit a new ACS; and
  • need to perform further investigations to determine or confirm the actual capability of the asset.

The following steps are to be taken by the asset owner once the asset capability change has been identified:

  1. Verbally notify the Energy Co-ordinator on 0800 535 123
  2. Download and complete the  Urgent Asset Capability Change Form and send it to [email protected].

Important note:

  1. The asset capability information provided on the Urgent Asset Capability Change Form is a temporary asset capability change and is only valid for the duration notified on the submitted form.  Asset Capability information will revert back to the formally advised ACS information once the duration on the submitted form has passed. 
  2. For temporary changes longer than one week a formal change to the ACS must be submitted via the ACS application in the Operations Customer Portal.

ACS application training videos

A set of videos showing how to use the ACS application is available here.

Contact information for ACS questions

If you have any questions about completing an ACS or submitting a completed ACS, please contact us at [email protected].

Related documents



ACS General Overview

GL-EA-959 Asset Capability Information Overview  This document defines the requirements of Asset Capability Information required by Transpower as System Operator under the Electricity Industry Participation Codes.

ACS Operations Customer Portal  – User Guides, FAQs, Forms and Templates

UG-SD-961 ACS Customer Portal User Guide for Asset Owners 

A user guide for Asset Owners on how to use the ACS Customer Portal (a copy is also available in the portal itself).

It also includes an overview of the field changes and/or additions in the new ACS application.

ACS Customer Portal FAQs 

A document that covers key messages and frequently asked questions relating to use of the ACS Customer Portal.

FM-EA-938 Operations Customer Portal Admin Users Form 

A form to be sent to the system operator to identify/setup admin users of applications hosted within the Operations Customer Portal 

Generator ACS Template 

This excel sheet is provided as an example of the fields of interest to the System Operator. Formal submission of information must be completed by Asset Owners into the ACS application in the Operations Customer Portal.

Grid Owner ACS V2.0 

This template is used by the Grid Owner when they need to submit a new ACS or changes to an existing ACS.

Distributor ACS Version 6.0 

This template is used by the Distributor when they need to submit a new ACS or changes to an existing ACS.

FM-EA-011 Urgent Asset Capability Change Notice

This form is used when any urgent and temporary ACS changes are required.

Related pages

Operations Customer Portal – Link to online application

Operations Customer Portal Programme

Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding (AUFLS)