Entry and Judging criteria

Seven award categories

Engineering by designA team, individual or organisation that has demonstrated best practice Engineering and Technology by design.
Investment in our industry futureA team, individual or organisation that has or is making a significant investment in the engineering and technology future of our industry.
CollaborationA collaboration that results in an improved outcome, innovation or growth of our engineering and technology capability.
SustainabilityAn engineering or technology initiative or innovation that has or will provide long-term positive impacts on the environment.
Value engineeringAn engineering or technology project, initiative, innovation or strategy that demonstrates the greatest whole of life net benefits and ROI.
Complex and challengingA complex engineering or technology challenge resolved in an elegant and straightforward manner. 
Supreme AwardNew for 2024. Selected from the finalists of the other categories, the overall winner. The award that best demonstrates driving transformational change through engineering and technology and the greatest positive outcomes within their category.

Judging criteria

The judging panel will consider:

Entry applicabilityHow well the entry fits the selected category.
Detail/presentationHow well/clearly the application is described.
ImpactWhat proof is there of the change they have made, to demonstrate transformational change through engineering and technology.
ProcessEvidence of identifying the stakeholders, need, real issue to solve, constraints, alternatives and solution development.
Quality executionEvidence of addressing very complex criteria or unique issues, context challenges eg location, conditions without compromising safety, was out-of-ordinary technology or ingenuity needed, was it on time and budget and met stakeholder needs.
More than neededDoes it show how engineering and/or technology knowledge is applied, does it change engineering thinking or approach, does it change public awareness of engineering and/or technology, does it provide wider secondary benefits to the organisation, public, community. 

Nomination process

The nomination form is the same for all categories. There is an option to select which category the nomination is for, which is a mandatory field. Entrants are required to complete the nomination form and convert it to .pdf format before submission. Supporting imagery, charts, figures must be included in the .pdf. Each .pdf submission must be <10MB. All nominations must be submitted before 3pm, Friday 28 June 2024 to [email protected]. We will acknowledge receipt.

Recommendations when considering your nomination

When thinking about the awards we recommend nominators take time to consider the following:

  • Completing a nomination form is your chance to tell the story of nominees you think have delivered engineering and technology solutions that have generated transformational change and created real and lasting impact.
  • How you tell the story is important and this often takes time and teamwork – winning nominations will be strategic, well-written, accurate, outline transformational change and be to the point. They will reflect the professionalism of those nominated.
  • These awards are designed to incapsulate brilliant engineering and technology work out in the field as well as in the office – whether it’s related to designing, building, operating, or maintaining the national grid. There is no ‘type’ of engineering or technology work that suits best. Collaboration is cornerstone to our success, so be sure to consider cross-team and cross-organisational work. For all categories, nominees for one entry should be the core people who created the clever solution. They may come from several teams and/or organisations. Please note: Nominators will not be included as an invitee, if you are a nominator who contributed to the work and should be included in the recognition of the nominated work, please ensure your name is also in the nominee field.
  • The focus is on appreciation of the technical outcome, which may be just one aspect or component of a wider project (that may not yet be complete) - it’s about recognising original solutions to engineering and technology challenges.
  • The most suitable award category for your nomination (and be sure to include the core (those closest to the work) brilliant engineering and technology people involved).
  • Some nominations may include both engineering and technology specialists, while others are engineering or technology specific.
  • Your writing will need to be succinct and clear.

Entry criteria

  • Transpower is the organiser and sponsor of the Transpower Engineering and Technology Excellence Awards which are open to any Transpower Team or individual employee and any Transpower Engineering Consultant, Service Provider regardless of size as long as the Transpower engineering and or technology they have been engaged or employed on has been carried out within the last 3 years*. 
  • Third party award nominations must be made with the full knowledge and co-operation of the nominated organisation/nominee.
  • Organisations can nominate more than one entry in each category. Separate nomination forms must be completed for each entry. 
  • The judges reserve the right to request additional material to support claims made in any nomination.
  • Transpower reserve the right to publish information contained in the nomination at the time of finalist and winner announcements. We will advise finalists of any planned publicity. Information companies do not wish publicised should be clearly marked, in which case it will only be viewed by those involved in the judging process and they will treat it as confidential.
  • All finalists are required to submit and/or participate in the production of communication and publicity material including audio-visual material supporting their entry for broadcast at and post the awards ceremony. 
  • Nomination material should include the applicant’s logo in high resolution as a JPEG file. Transpower will be granted permission to use this logo in association with the event.  
  • Finalists will be notified 5 September 2024.
  • Should the entrant be announced as a finalist, the entrant agrees to attend the formal awards presentation at St James Theatre, Tuesday 15 October 2024 and meet the costs of attending.
  • The entrant accepts that the judges’ decision is final and no subsequent correspondence will be entered into. 
  • The judges undertake to observe the confidentiality of entries where required and to declare or avoid any potential conflict of interest.
  • Only the nomination form provided will be accepted. The material must be accurate and complete (i.e. not misleading by omission), and this must be certified by the person signing the nomination form. There is a limit of 1,500 words maximum (total - each section provides a word count maximum), over no more than 10 pages for each entry. Note: the Nomination title, Nominator details and Nominee details, is counted towards the page limit but is excluded from the maximum word count.
  • Each entrant will be judged on the material in the nomination form. The applicant must complete the nomination form and its content counts toward the page limit.
  • Any and all nominations are to be submitted electronically to [email protected], addressed to: Chair of the Judging Panel, Transpower Engineering and Technology Excellence Awards, By 3pm, 28 June 2024. 

*This may include work that started prior to the 3-year period provided some or all of the work falls within the 3-year period and was not previously nominated for the Engineering and Technology Excellence Awards.