Transmission Pricing Methodology

About the TPM

Information on the TPM and sign up for updates

Assumptions book

This page includes our current and previous versions of our benefit-based charge (BBC) Assumptions Book.

BBI starting customer allocations

This page includes our benefit-based investment (BBI) decision documents and related consultation materials.

TPM decisions

All (non BBI) decision documents and related closed consultation papers, submissions and cross-submissions.

TPM current consultations

Current consultations

TPM updates

Updates related to our work administering the TPM


We answer a series of questions sent to us by stakeholders related to the new TPM.

TPM proposal to the Electricity Authority

In mid-2020 the Electricity Authority published new transmission pricing methodology (TPM) Guidelines and tasked Transpower with developing a proposed new TPM

TPM development process

We worked within a tight timeframe to develop a proposed new transmission pricing methodology for the Electricity Authority

TPM development engagement

We engaged with stakeholders, including through formal consultations, during the development phase of the new TPM