TPM updates

Here you will find updates related to our work administering the TPM, including information about engagement opportunities and consultations.


25 November 2024: Assumptions Book 2.0 now available

30 October 2024: No submissions received for Assumptions Books 2.0 consultation

7 October 2024: Consultation on assumptions book update

7 August 2024: Updates to Grid Pricing website information

17 May 2024: TMP update - adjustment events

23 April 2024: SRAM cost recovery update

16 November 2023: Decision documents published for WUNIVM1b OTA STATCOM BBI consultation

02 October 2023: No submissions received for WUNIVM1b OTA STATCOM BBI consultation

26 September 2023: TPM - OTA STATCOM consultation closes on Friday 29 September 2023

07 September 2023: Net Zero Grid Pricing phase one BBI consultation closes

31 August 2023: TPM updated consultation schedule - three open consultations 

23 August 2023: TPM consultation on NZGP benefit-based investments - submissions due 6 September 2023

28 June 2023: Decision documents for HVDC Pole 2 refurbishment and WUNIVM1a BBI customer allocation consultations published

02 June 2023: Extension for NZGP phase 1 starting BBI customer allocations consultation

17 May 2023: New Settlement Residue Allocation Methodology (SRAM) published & NZGP BBI consultation reminder

27 April 2023: TPM BBI consultation for two components of NZGP phase one MCP proposal

01 April 2023: TPM decision published

24 March 2023: TPM HVDC Pole 2 consultation closed

16 March 2023: TPM BBC Assumptions Book v1.1 published

10 March 2023: TPM submission received on HVDC Pole 2 refurbishment BBI consultation and new FAQs

07 March 2023: TPM assumptions book consultation - no submissions received

01 March 2023: TPM assumptions book consultation submissions due next Monday and new BBC FAQ

15 February 2023: TPM consultations submission date extensions due to Cyclone Gabrielle and new SRAM FAQ published

10 February 2023: TPM consultation update - WUNIVM Stage 1a BBI and Assumptions Book update

01 February 2023: New TPM consultation package, a decision, and new resources published

19 January 2023: TPM consultation on proposing starting allocations for HVDC Pole 2 refurbishment

22 December 2022: Meri Kirihimete (Merry Christmas) from the Transpower Grid Pricing team

16 December 2022: Minor change to WUNIVM Stage 1a consultation paper

15 December 2022: TPM consultation on proposed starting allocations for WUNIVM Stage 1a

07 December 2022: Electricity transmission charges from April 2023

01 December 2022: TPM consultation cross-submissions published

23 November 2022: TPM submission and new information sheet published

15 November 2022: TPM consultation reminder and new information published

09 November 2022: TPM consultation on draft prudent discount and reassignment manuals and new information sheet published

29 September 2022: TPM new information sheets and questions published

15 September 2022: TPM decisions published for four consultations and new consultation schedule available

25 August 2022: TPM indicative pricing update and new residual charges information sheet

18 August 2022: TPM connection asset replacement costs consultation cross-submissions published

12 August 2022: TPM connection asset replacement costs consultation late submission published

11 August 2022: TPM connection asset replacement costs consultation submissions published

28 July 2022: TPM consultation on connection asset replacement costs

21 July 2022: Webinar rescheduled - NZGP indicative pricing for shortlist consultation

14 July 2022: TPM cross-submission published for consultation on reclassification of Buller region assets

07 July 2022: TPM submission published for consultation on reclassification of Buller region assets

23 June 2022: TPM consultation on reclassification of Buller region assets

21 June 2022: TPM consultation cross-submissions published on proposing starting benefit-based investment customer allocations for CUWLP

16 June 2022: TPM re-submission by ENA on CUWLP benefit-based investment consultation published

14 June 2022: TPM submissions on CUWLP benefit-based investment consultation published

07 June 2022: TPM draft assumptions book cross-submissions published

01 June 2022: TPM reminder on draft assumptions book and CUWLP allocation submission dates

27 May 2022: TPM submissions on our draft assumptions book published

17 May 2022: TPM CUWLP BBI consultation

04 May 2022: TPM online drop-in session reminder: Friday 6 May 1:30pm

29 April 2022: TPM Assumptions Book Consultation

12 April 2022: Transpower to implement a new TPM