Our third Regulatory Control Period (RCP3) runs 1 July 2020 - 30 June 2025.

RCP3 Proposal: Securing our energy future 2020 – 2025

Our proposal to the Commerce Commission for Regulatory Control Period 3 (RCP3) covers how we will operate, maintain and invest in the grid from 1 July 2020 - 30 June 2025. Find out more

RCP3 decision

On 29 August 2019, the Commerce Commission issued its final decision on our expenditure allowances, quality standards and service performance measures for RCP3. You can find all of the relevant documents, including the draft decision of 29 May 2019 and the final Individual Price-Quality Path Determination of 14 November 2019, by visiting the Commerce Commission's website 

RCP3 updates and disclosures

We provide regular updates on our RCP3 activities and plans. Find out more