RCP3 Proposal: Securing our energy future 2020 - 2025

Our proposal to the Commerce Commission for Regulatory Control Period 3 (RCP3) covers how we will operate, maintain and invest in the grid from 1 July 2020 - 30 June 2025.

Proposal documents, templates and revenue model

Our proposal to the Commerce Commission for the Regulatory Control Period 3 (RCP3) and related documents. Find out more

Pre-proposal consultation and submission information

Before finalising our proposal we reached out to industry, special interest groups and members of the public to seek consultation on our RCP3 proposal. Find out more

Transpower Service Measures Refresh

We undertook a process to refresh our service measures for the 2020-25 Regulatory Control Period (RCP3). Find out more

Additional information

For any further information, please contact us at [email protected].