These graphics show the transfer of electricity across the HVDC system linking the North and South Islands.
Select "Today's HVDC Transfer" to see half-hourly snapshots taken from the System Operator's SCADA system. Select "HVDC weekly summary" to see half- hourly transfer snapshots for the last eight days. This graph is updated daily between 11:00am and noon.
SCADA is the System Operator's primary tool for controlling the transmission network and is the source of critical information for the electricity market system as well as for local lines companies.
HVDC data sourced from EM6 Live.
Availability and use of data
We publish this and other live data on our website on a best-effort basis. We monitor the live data to ensure it is updating between 8am and 5pm on business days. If it is not updating outside of these times, we will be unlikely to resolve it until we open for business the next morning.
This is indicative information only and we take no responsibility for actions taken by any party based on this information.