Joint development programme

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The Joint Development Programme (JDP) spans a period of five years and involves a range of projects related to service maintenance and service enhancement. The programme is updated at least annually and, as such, may change as planning assumptions become more certain over time. 

Other significant System Operator projects that are not part of JDP can be found here.

Service maintenance projects

Ancillary Services Cost Allocation System 

DescriptionReplacement of the systems used for implementing cost allocation for ancillary services.  
Why we're doing the projectThe Ancillary Services Cost Allocation Systems implement the requirements of Part 8 of the Code for allocating the costs of ancillary services to the relevant parties. The existing systems have reached end of life, so replacement is necessary to ensure ongoing compliance with the Code. 
Estimated impact to Market Participants (during project) No direct market participant impact.
Estimated impact to Market Participants of Project Delivery Greater reliability in monthly ancillary service cost allocation. 

Commissioning Risk Tool Enhancement 

DescriptionUpgrades to the Commissioning Risk Tool software and interface to improve functionality, processes and accuracy.  
Why we're doing the projectThe commissioning risk tool determines the additional reserves that need to be procured for a given period and reports back to the National Coordinator Centre (NCC). Improvements are necessary to ensure the tool remains efficient and reliable with the significant new generation proposed and commissioned within the sector.   
Estimated impact to Market Participants (during project) No direct market participant impact. 
Estimated impact to Market Participants of Project Delivery No direct impact. The enhancements enable the system operator to better manage potential power system risks. 

Modernise Training Simulator 

DescriptionInvestigating the current effectiveness of the Testing and Training Simulation Environment on simulating the Market and SCADA tools within the Control Room and identifying areas for improvement.  
Why we're doing the projectTranspower’s current testing and training simulation environment for the National Control Centre have various functional gaps that limit optimal operation.  
Estimated impact to Market Participants (during project) 

No direct market participant impact. 


Estimated impact to Market Participants of Project Delivery 

No direct market participant impact. 


Operations Comms System Enhancements 

DescriptionImplementing a modernised operational notices capability to meet current and expected future needs within the control room.  
Why we're doing the projectTo enable the control room to respond to events and communicate with market participants with efficacy and efficiency.  
Estimated impact to Market Participants (during project) Participants may be asked to take part in testing, eg confirming receipt of messages. 
Estimated impact to Market Participants of Project Delivery Participants will have improved reliability in receiving and accessing operational notices.  

SO Gatekeeper 

DescriptionEnhance the SO Gatekeeper database interface and alignment and migration of relevant information into a common dataset while increasing the functionality to search, track and audit complex special offers.  
Why we're doing the projectTo enable effective accurate management and modelling of increasingly complex data sets. This will increase our quality assurance, reduce modelling errors and therefore reduce operational risks.  
Estimated impact to Market Participants (during project) No direct market participant impact. 
Estimated impact to Market Participants of Project Delivery No direct market participant impact. 

RMT Enhancement 

DescriptionEnhancing the capabilities of the Reserve Management Tool, in line with the increasing complexity of the energy sector.  
Why we're doing the projectThe Reserve Management Tool maintains post-event frequency and as the power system evolves, requires enhancements to maintain process capabilities.  
Estimated impact to Market Participants (during project) No direct market participant impact. 
Estimated impact to Market Participants of Project Delivery No direct market participant impact. 

Power Systems Health & Stability Programme 

DescriptionThis suite of projects is focused on building power system engineering capability to monitor transient (real time) voltage security. 
Why we're doing the projectDelivery of capabilities to enable Transpower to continue to effectively manage a tighter, more constrained, and more complex grid. 
Estimated impact to Market Participants (during project) No direct market participant impact 
Estimated impact to Market Participants of Project Delivery No direct market participant impact. 

Market System Modernisation 

DescriptionImplementing a modernised Market System Market Operator Interface (MOI)  
Why we're doing the projectThe Market System Market Operator Interface (MOI) is the primary interface for Control Room System Operator functions, including market dispatch. There is a need to modernise MOI, arising from the underlying technology challenges caused by aging software.  
Estimated impact to Market Participants (during project) No direct market participant impact 
Estimated impact to Market Participants of Project Delivery No direct market participant impact. 

Service Maintenance & Minor Works Portfolio 

DescriptionMaintenance and improvements on a host of minor pieces of software and processes.  
Why we're doing the projectA series of improvements are required to ensure our technology maintains pace with new asset technologies, market models and the changing power system characteristics. 
Estimated impact to Market Participants (during project) No direct market participant impact 
Estimated impact to Market Participants of Project Delivery No direct market participant impact. 

Joint Development Programme timetable
