Transpower Service Measures Refresh

We undertook a process to refresh our service measures (last set in 2013) for the 2020-25 Regulatory Control Period (RCP3).

These service measures are measures of our transmission services (like availability and reliability of the network) that we propose, and our regulator (the Commerce Commission) determines, at the commencement of each Regulatory Control Period (RCP). They are used to gauge our performance and, where appropriate, incentivise good and penalise poor performance. A major part of the refresh is consultation with our customers, interested consumer groups and the general public.

A timeline of the consultation process we undertook is provided below:




Submissions by

Make online submission

Engagement - Process Document 2 November 2016

Transpower Services Engagement Paper

Service Performance Measures - Customer Feedback Summary

Summary Customer Feedback

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Focus Group Session 16 February 2017

Service Performance Measure Refresh RCP3

Engagement - Service Measures Engagement paper 5 April 2017

Engagement Paper 2

Service Engagement Submissions

Service Performance Measures Feedback Summary - May 2017

28 April 2017 Complete
System Operations Industry Workshop - Christchurch 3 April 2017 Service Performance Measure Refresh   Complete
System Operations Industry Workshop - Wellington 6 April 2017     Complete
System Operations Industry Workshop - Auckland 7 April 2017     Complete
Regional Session - Hastings 18 April 2017     Complete
Regional Sessions - Dunedin 19 April 2017     Complete
Services Report (2017 ITP) September 2017 2017 Services Report    
Engagement – Service Measures and Asset Health Engagement Paper 14 June 2018

Engagement Paper 3 

Feedback Summary - July 2018

Service measure AP1 (HVDC availability): additional information - July 2018

28 June 2018 N/A
Focus Group Session - Service Measures and Asset Health 21 June 2018 Focus group session slides 28 June 2018 N/A